• Coffee Flavored Doughnuts Aka Cop Bait! Posted on November 05, 2014

    Coffee Flavored Doughnuts Aka Cop Bait! LOL, It's National Doughnut Day! This is a recipe for thick & delicious doughnuts that happen to have a kiss of coffee in every bite! Why? Well because, I was trying to think of something that people enjoy eating with coffee, and the age old stereotype of a cop dipping his doughnut in mug popped into my mind. Perfect! Why mess with drippy messes and coffee stains when you could just enjoy the two as one. Ahhh yes, the TRUE "breakfast of champions."

    Find the recipe here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Coffee-Flavored-Doughnuts-AKA-Cop-Bait/?ALLSTEPS

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